中文書名:Photoshop CS4數碼教室
英文書名:Photoshop CS4 Digital Classroom
出 版:Wiley, John & Sons, Incorporated
頁 數:362 pages
I S B N : 9780470410905
Photoshop是當今最流行也是最專業的圖像處理軟件。本書與其他同類書籍最大的不同在于,它不是依靠冗余晦澀的專業詞語來進行說教,而是通過圖片,結合簡單的步驟,讓讀者明白應該怎樣操作,無需具有專業知識。本書從PS cs4的基本操作講起,包括操作見面的介紹、Bridge的使用、圖像處理的基本知識、選區圖層通道、舊照片處理、濾鏡、3D中的應用,教會讀者ps的很多技能,輕松學會照片處理
The Adobe Photoshop CS4 Digital Classroom book is like having a personal instructor guiding readers through each lesson, while they work at their own pace. This book includes 13 self-paced lessons that let readers discover essential skills and explore new features and capabilities of Adobe Photoshop.
Every lesson in Adobe Photoshop CS4 Digital Classroom is presented in full color with step-by-step instructions. Learning is reinforced with video tutorials and lesson files on a companion DVD that were developed by the same team of Adobe Certified Instructors and Flash experts who have created many of the official training titles for Adobe Systems. Each video tutorial is approximately five minutes long and demonstrates and explains the concepts and features covered in the lesson.
Coverage includes information on Adobe Bridge, Camera RAW, masks and layers, painting and retouching, and selections and layers. Jam-packed with information, the Adobe Photoshop CS4 Digital Classroom book and DVD takes users from the basics through intermediate level topics and helps readers find the information they need in a clear, approachable manner.
‧ Edit images exactly where you want using selections, layers, and masking features
‧ Use Adobe Bridge to work faster and keep your images organized
‧ Make an image look great using expert color correction and retouching tips
‧ Explore improved nondestructive editing capabilities
‧ Learn to prepare images for print, Web, and video
‧ Combine images, adjust image sizes, add text, and create effects using filters