中文名: 看圖自學 Dreamweaver CS4
英文名稱:Teach Yourself Visually Dreamweaver CS4
作者:Janine C. Warner
出版 : Wiley, John & Sons, Incorporated
版本:rar >>> PDF
頁數 : 320 pages
ISBN : 978-0-470-33964-0
本書內容有:Dreamweaver CS3的啟動、基本操作、界面介紹,創建自己的站點,創建網頁,Dreamweaver操作界面瀏覽,使用HTML,調整文本格式,圖像多媒體的使用,創建超鏈接,編輯Table,使用模版框架創建網頁,制作Forms,使用模版和圖庫,CSS,發布網站,管理網站,創建數據庫。
Are you a visual learner? Do you prefer instructions that show you how to do something — and skip the long-winded explanations? If so, then this book is for you. Open it up and you’ll find clear, step-by-step screen shots that show you how to tackle more than 150 Dreamweaver CS4 tasks. Each task-based spread covers a single technique, sure to help you get up and running on Dreamweaver CS4 in no time.
You’ll learn to:
* Design and preview a Web page
* Format text and resize images
* Build fillable Web-based forms
* Create a rollover image
* Open linked pages in new windows
* Work with cascading style sheets
* Upload pages and test your site
Each Teach Yourself VISUALLY book offers these key features:
* Helpful sidebars that offer practical tips and tricks
* Full-color screen shots that demonstrate each task
* Succinct explanations that walk you through step by step
* Two-page lessons that break big topics into bite-sized modules
Are you a visual learner? Do you prefer instructions that show you how to do something — and skip the long-winded explanations? If so, then this book is for you. Open it up and you’ll find clear, step-by-step screen shots that show you how to tackle more than 150 Dreamweaver CS4 tasks. Each task-based spread covers a single technique, sure to help you get up and running on Dreamweaver CS4 in no time.
You’ll learn to:
* Design and preview a Web page
* Format text and resize images
* Build fillable Web-based forms
* Create a rollover image
* Open linked pages in new windows
* Work with cascading style sheets
* Upload pages and test your site
Each Teach Yourself VISUALLY book offers these key features:
* Helpful sidebars that offer practical tips and tricks
* Full-color screen shots that demonstrate each task
* Succinct explanations that walk you through step by step
* Two-page lessons that break big topics into bite-sized modules
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